
Installation · Video 2023.12

Wire, Balloon, Acrylic, Air pump, Tape, Foam glue, Concrete, Fishing line
Dimensions variable

This project is divided into three parts. The iron wire balls and concrete stones in the centre of the space are FIRAL, the electronic products and the images on the three cubes on the left are FRACTAL, and the image on the right is FATAL.

It focuses on exploring the impact of social media on people in the era of information explosion and attempts to realise a call for the return of human subjectivity. 

FRACTAL/FATAL/FIRAL means fractal, fatalistic, or viral from Baudrillard's Cold Memory 2: 1987-1990. These three adjectives end with an a-al in French and a particular sound effect, showing a messy and fuzzy feeling.

"When individuals are used as basic members to weave a society, if they are not properly responsible people, but only as gears, levers and connecting rods, then even if their raw materials are blood or meat, they are no different from metals. What is used as a component of a machine is, in fact, a component of the machine. “In a bubble where information is reproduced on a large scale, tautology gradually eliminates the freedom of imagination and cognitive space. Regarding cognition, what we are looking for is not evidence but clarity at a glance. People have a strong sense of perception, but there are thousands of compensation methods for every thinking experience nowadays, and their emotions and perceptions are quietly weakening.

We are trapped in information. With the gradual externalization of fate in complex technology, indifference also grows. Information has become a new invisible system and norm, and its content and extension are rising and accelerating on the basis of people's processing ability Future Shock, Immerse the public in the torrent of superficial information. Excess is like infarction. After the infarction, there will be artefacts and false organs. After the artifice, there will be slips of the tongue and atrophy. The mutual dilution of group information also loses individual characteristics and integrity.

As Baudrillard said: "Do we really have seven lives, three heads, one soul, two faces, and no language? “The media let us shake hands with mediocrity and make us live in peace with the artificial environment. Has this kind of nesting plot, reconciling with the things created, inhabiting, and destroying itself become one of the viruses?

此项目分为三个部分,空间中心位置的铁丝球和混凝土石头为 FIRAL,左侧的电子产品与三个方体上的影像为FRACTAL,右侧的影像为FATAL。 


《Fractal/Fatal/Firal》意为分形的、宿命的、病毒的。来源于波德里亚《冷记忆 2: 1987-1990》。这三个形容词在法语中都是以a-al为结尾,伴随着一种特殊的声音效果,呈现出杂乱模糊的感受。 

“当个体被用作基本成员来编织成一个社会时,如果他们不能恰如其分地作为负着责任的人,而只是作为齿轮、杠杆和连杆的话,那即使他们的原料是血是肉,实际上和金属并无 什么区别。作为机器的一个元件来利用的东西,事实上就是机器的一个元件。”在一个信息大量复制的泡沫中,同义反复使想象和认知空间的自由性逐渐消失。关于认知,我们所寻觅的不是证据,而是一目了然。人本身拥有强烈的感知力,但在对于如今每次的思考体验而言,有成千上万的补偿方法,其情感及感知正悄无声息地减弱。 



Part 1: FIRAL

Part 2: FATAL


Part 3: FIRAL

Duration: 5: 44